Sustainable Prosperity Initiative Nepal (previously known as Sansthagat Bikas Consultancy Kendra-SBCK) is a professional firm established in 2001, working mainly in development programs including climate action projects; providing institutional strengthening and organization development services; supporting state agencies in making public policies inclusive; and building organizational capacities of development partners and private sector entities.
SPI Nepal is currently focusing in three major working areas a) Policy Engagements, b) Carbon-offset Projects, and c) Development Consulting. We advocate for fair and effective climate action which means robust rules to ensure high environmental integrity of climate mitigation projects on one hand, and channeling resources towards supporting communities in the low-carbon transition on the other hand.
To this end, SPI Nepal currently partners with international agencies in designing and implementing clean cooking programs through investments in carbon projects; works with other VCM actors (Nepali private sector and NGOs) in developing market mechanisms to provide non-state actors with access to the VCM; supports the government of Nepal (federal, provincial and local) in designing policy instruments (policies and guidelines) for renewable energy projects such as clean cooking; and provides advisory and consulting services to development partners (e.g., Clean Cooking Alliance – CCA, the World Bank) working in climate action projects.
Sustainable prosperity for reducing inequality and improving wellbeing for all Nepali People.